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- Add Avere Coins, 01243 915 155, as a new contact in your phone
- Open WhatsApp and click the ‘Chat’ icon
- Search for Avere Coins and send us your image
Send your message to info@averecoins.co.uk and we will get straight back to you
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Whether you have inherited or assembled a collection yourself, have a recent detector find or have discovered a pedigree coin, banknote or medal, we are always keen to purchase numismatic material. Our friendly team of coin experts at Avere Coins are happy to help, regardless of the size of your collection.
Avere Coins are proud members of the BNTA (The British Numismatic Trade Association), an independent group that works to maintain the reputation of specialist coin dealers in the UK. As members of the BNTA, Avere Coins have to adhere to their codes of conduct thus providing our clients with additional confidence when buying and selling with us.