Avere Coins Privacy & Customer Data Retention Policy

Avere Coins takes your privacy extremely seriously.  This privacy policy is designed to help you understand what information we collect and how we use it. This policy only describes how Avere Coins treats your information, not how other organisations treat your information.

This privacy policy is effective from June 2019 and supplements the other notices and is not intended to override them.

Information we collect

Avere Coins collects different kinds of information. Some of it is personally identifiable and some are non-identifying or aggregated. Here are the types of information we can in some instances collect or receive:

Account Information – Vital for account management and accounting purposes, this includes your name, your telephone number, your postal address (both billing and for deliveries), your e-mail address, your personal interests and preferences.

Should the law require it, we may also request and retain such information that you provide to us to prove age, address and identity.  Such documents include details containing your age, address, date of birth, place of birth, a facial image and gender.  Documents that may be requested often include, but are not limited to, your passport and your driving licence.

Should we receive data about you in error from a third party and such data is not already stored by us, this data will be deleted.

Payment Records – Avere Coins retains a transaction history of purchases made for products and services. This is fundamental to our accounting processes and is retained within a cloud based accounting platform and local bespoke CRM ‘database’ system.

Websites and portals – Our websites use cookies in order to offer users functionality. We also use cookies for analytical and service improvements. Avere Coins monitors account and login data for fraud and security protection.

Communicating with Avere Coins – We operate systems which log details of calls (including recordings), postal and email correspondence. This allows us to deal with our customers effectively.

Call Recordings – Call recordings are enabled by default, when dialling one of our main numbers you may be advised of this. You can ask whether a call is being recorded and if desired, request for this recording to be ceased and  therefore for that call, be opt-in only.  Future calls will be recorded and you must request on each call should you require the call recording on that call to be ceased.

Cookies – Cookies enable you to use shopping carts and to personalise your experience on our website.  They tell us which parts of our websites people have visited, help us measure the effectiveness of ads and web searches, and give us insights into user behaviour so we can improve our communications and products. This websites uses cookies and by using this website you consent to the use of cookies.

We do not collect any Personal Data about your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, information about your health and genetic and biometric data. Nor do we collect any information about criminal convictions and offences unless required to do so under law.

How we use your information (Processing your data)

Avere Coins uses your information for the following:

Providing the Avere Coins service and improving our product offering or to add provenance to an item we have purchased from you when we resell.  To make our services and offering better we have to understand how users are using it.

Investigating and preventing abuse and fraud – This may also include requests from the authorities or courts.

Communicating with you – Solving and responding to your requests. If you contact us with a problem or question, we will use your information to respond to that request and address your problems or concerns.

Email messages – We may send you service and administrative emails. We may also contact you to inform you about changes in our services, our service offerings and important service-related notices, such as changes to this policy or security and fraud notices. These messages are considered part of the service and you may not opt-out of them.


We may appoint other processors (“sub-processors”) to process data, sometimes personal data on its behalf in connection with the services and products provided to you. These third parties may include third-party auction service providers and other entities in our group.

If we engage another processor to carry out specific activities or services that are required to provide a service to you, we will ensure that the sub-processor only does so on the instructions of us. And that any sub-processors agrees to provide a level of protection for the rights and freedoms of individuals whose personal data is being processed which is at least equivalent to the protection provided by ourselves. With appropriate technical and organisational measures in such a manner that processing relating to security, integrity and confidentiality.

Data Retention

Call Recordings – if recorded, call recordings with you are stored for 30 calendar days.

Call Detail Records (CDRs) – Are stored for 36 calendar months and then deleted.

Account Data – If the authorised account holder chooses to deactivate or close their Avere Coins account. The data will be archived for no more than 15 years.

Correspondence – This includes but is not limited to: emails, call-recordings, CDRs, webchats, Fax transmissions and post. The data may be kept for no more than 15 years.

Payment Data – Avere Coins does not directly process nor retain card payment data. All sensitive transactional payment data, such as Direct Debits if applicable are processed and stored in accordance with Direct Debit regulations.

Sharing and Disclosure

There are times when related content and other user information may be shared by Avere Coins. With consent, to comply with legal process, or to protect Avere Coins and our users. When we have your consent or if we believe that disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with a law, regulation or legal request; to protect the safety, rights, or property of the public, any person, or Avere Coins; or to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues. If we receive a law enforcement or other third-party request for information we will provide prior notice to the subject of the request where we are legally permitted to do so.

We may disclose your contact information to parcel shipping couriers or other similar third party providers for the purpose of transporting goods.

We may disclose certain contact information if Avere Coins have purchased goods from you, whether purchases are an individual item or complete collection. Disclosure in such scenarios will be limited to your surname and forename initial/s.

We may disclose, by means of copy invoices raised and received, your contact information to our company Accountants for the purposes of completing tax returns and annual accounts.

Your personal information may be shared by us to our insurers in relation to a claim or suspected claim we might make or receive.

Your personal information may be shared by us to prospective or new purchasers in the event of a business related asset or full business equity sale or in the event of acquisition by us.  In such a case, you will likely be notified by the new owners in due course.

When you make an online purchase or complete our Wish List form or add any items to your ‘Favourites‘ list via our website, your details are automatically stored indefinitely in a WordPress database and manually entered into our inhouse database platform.

In the event you sign-up or subscribe to any of our e-mail alert services or when you purchase any item/s from us, your personal information (consisting of no more than your name and email address for just e-mail alerts and/or your name, postal address and e-mail address should you sign up for a printed list) may be shared by us via to marketing companies we use from time to time to provide e-mail alert or postal delivery services; used at such times as to notify you of new product additions to our website or for delivery of printed catalogues/mailing lists, or other similar services.  We will never share your information to marketing companies for any other purposes other than relating to services we provide you. You may ‘unsubscribe’ at any time from any of our mailing/e-mail notification services by clicking on the ‘unsubscribe’ link on any such correspondence or by contacting us in writing at: info@averecoins.co.uk


Avere Coins takes reasonable steps to protect the information you provide to us as part of your use of the Avere Coins service from loss, misuse, and unauthorised access or disclosure. These steps take into account the sensitivity of the information we collect, process and store and the current state of technology. When you provide sensitive information (such as sign-in credentials) we encrypt the transmission of that information using secure socket layer technology (SSL) and encrypt other data at rest. We follow generally accepted standards to protect the personal data submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it.

Irrespective of the precautions and security measures taken by Avere Coins to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee your internet or data security.

Data Storage and Transfers

Data Subjects have the right in relation to their personal data under the Privacy Legislation. Those rights include;

  • The right to be informed
  • The right of access
  • The right to rectification
  • The right to erasure
  • The right to restrict processing
  • The right to data portability
  • The right to object
  • Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling

Customers should contact Avere Coins in relation to these queries.

If you fail to provide certain information when requested, we may not be able to fully perform the contract we have entered into with you.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Avere Coins may change this policy from time to time. If you continue to use Avere Coins after those changes are in effect, you agree to the revised policy. If the changes are material, we may provide more prominent notice or seek your consent to the new policy.

If you have any complaints, questions or comments about this privacy policy or Avere Coins use of your personal information or what information we hold about you, contact Avere Coins on 01243 915 155 or dataofficer@averecoins.co.uk